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Coping With Covid

Several things have changed for me ever since this pandemic started. Spring season causing my allergies to hit me off , not allowing me to stay productive with my tasks. My parents on the other [Read More]

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Coping With Covid 19

Coping with Covid-19 has been an interesting journey. It has changed the norms of day to day life with many things being closed and access to daily things becoming strenuous. Waiting in long lines, being [Read More]


Coping with Co-vid19

Since the outbreak my families concern for getting sick has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride. From not allowing any visitors in our home, to then going out and hugging family (without masks). Recently [Read More]

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Coping with COVID

Coping with COVID My experience with COVID-19 has felt very different from most of what I’ve seen reflected back to me through social media. Although I recognize the virus has led to devastating deaths and [Read More]

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Student Work

A Change To Reality

A Change to Reality It was just the beginning of this year when I had enrolled in Seneca’s Journalism program. Things were going well and couldn’t I bother thinking about anything negative. Believe it or [Read More]

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Student Work

Don’t stress out!

            Life can be complicated. Starting a new program and semester would be challenging for everyone, but COVID-19 made our life even harder. I live alone, so I have to [Read More]