by Dee Guttman
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Richelle Acdal found herself in a dire situation, deciding to leave her job in customer service due to the rising numbers amidst the second wave of the pandemic. Acdal is now a food blogger running “treats.foryou” a customizable treat box with all you can eat sweet treats, strawberry cakesicles anyone?
Richelle’s ooey gooey treats are available for order and pick up in Thornhill. She says that people “enjoyed my Hot Chocolate Bombs in the colder weather”. Which inspired her to now select a menu that makes sense according to the season. Acdal now focuses on preparing over 200 cakepops and cakesicles for the springtime sales.
In the beginning of sales in 2021 Acdal comments that the food blogging community is an “endless social media networking site, where creators look to collaborate, inspire, and craft their treats”.
With a passion for baking and cooking, Acdal explains why she quit her job to peruse this passion, how Covid-19 affected the transition, and how these baked goods opened up endless networking opportunities.
Off-camera Acdal made a connection between how accomplishing her food dream has opened up many exciting opportunities that has allowed Richelle to change the way she lives in order to now have 4 incomes. For Richelle, baking was only the beginning, she says “once I started my business, I was already working two jobs, but then left one of them due to Covid, and now I just got hired teaching supply, and although it’s a secret- a third job at Starbucks”
Richelle’s older sister, Michelle comments “Helping Richelle in the kitchen, I came in knowing nothing, but I wanted to support her nevertheless, she clearly has a passion for this”. Living in a small apartment, Michelle is now unemployed due to COVID-19 terminating her job, but comments “Right now I am unemployed, which is sad, because I never thought my job was at risk in the pandemic, but right now I stay at home and help RIchelle until I can find a job”
Richelle comments that appealing to her creative side “is something that not a lot of people think they can make money from, but you’re able to go back to your hobbies and now with social media, my hobbies have a place in the world”
Richelle shares her favorite homemade treats; she says the strawberry Hot Chocolate bombs were her favorite item for sale, and although it is now discontinued, Acdal shares a photo of an upcoming secret treat, Can you guess the flavor?
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