Helping Eritrean Youth

Helping Eritrean Youth

Through each one teach one, 24-year-old Simon Berhe wants to teach Eritrean youth fitness, discipline, humility, and strong character.

Berhe is a Human Resource Coordinator at Newnakfa, which is a nonprofit group that helps Eritreans in the GTA. Berhe overseas Each one teach one program, which is under Newnakfa. The program aims to help Eritrean youth with fitness, a healthy lifestyle, meditation and other activities.

Simon has been able to help kids not only with fitness but discipline as well.

Photograph of Simon from Instagram

“…one kid in particular, his name was Nathan, and the father told me a lot about how he struggled in school with anger. Through him attending my Sunday online fitness sessions, the dad would tell me how proud he is of his growth in his ability to control his anger, and spread positivity in his school…,” said Berhe.

As an instructor, Simon has seen plenty of change in kids who were at first lazy and had negative energy. Also, these kids struggled with discipline and attendance. However, the program had a huge impact on their attitudes.

“…I had them partake in so many workouts where they actually enjoyed the benefits. A great mental health, space where they can feel comfortable in, and a place where they can grow, not only physically but mentally,” said Simon.

Each one teach one doesn't solely focus on the fitness aspect though. There are various other things like book clubs and food drives. Last Christmas people donated food to the program, which Newnakfa distributed to those in need in the Eritrean community.

Image of Newnakfa doing a food drive on the Newnakfa Instagram page
Image from Pexels by Robin Stickel

Newnakfa does annual food drives for the Eritrean community during Christmas. During Covid, they helped countless families. In this image, they were doing a food drive at Medhane Alem Eritrean Orthodox church at Ramsden Rd, near Eglinton west and Dufferin intersection.

With youth obesity gradually increasing in Canada in the past few decades, programs like each one teach one might be crucial. Just in 2017 alone, 30% of children were either overweight or obese in Canada.

According to Public Health Canada, this increase in unhealthy lifestyles can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea and many more.

The youth in Canada are required to take physical education from elementary to Sophomore year. Once it is no longer required some drop it and take other electives. After that, If they engage in an unhealthy lifestyle it might lead to obesity. Outside-of-school programs like each one teach one could be beneficial for them. Not only would they receive fitness training but they would be taught about the right diet.

Due to work, some parents don’t have the time and luxury to be home and cook healthy meals for their children, so they put together or buy non-nutritional meals that are non-time consuming.

Due to obesity becoming a growing problem in the country, the Canadian government has published a guide on their website detailing how parents can cook healthy meals for their families.

On Newnakfa's each one teach website section, there is a guide for at-home exercises as well as recommended diet by lessons given by University student Yohana. Below that is a signup section where people who are interested can sign up to be a part of the each one teach one program.

Berhe hopes to continue this program for as long as possible and says he hopes that his teachings are passed from generation to generation.

There is never any type of ending because each one teach one is something that will always live on no matter if I’m on this planet or not. For the most part, it’s the knowledge that I would like to give everyone,” said Berhe.

As Nathan answered in the beginning of the first clip each one teach is about learning something and passing it along to others. That's what Berhe wants to do for others.

To learn more I have provided a podcast of the conversation I had with Simon Berhe below.

There is also a radio version available.

Link to radio video


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