Written by: Elijah Green
On Green’s Gamecast we cover Seneca College’s most exceptional athletes on a weekly basis. The sports community here is stronger than ever before, and as it continues to grow so does the expectation for excellence. This year alone many athletes have met that expectation and will be highlighted on this platform. Green’s Gamecast will take us on a journey that studies the mindsets of high-performance athletes, and highlight how they find ways to separate themselves from the rest of the field.
This week we had the pleasure of hearing from ‘Athlete of the Week’ Anthony Tso. Anthony is a fourth year Varsity Badminton player and former national champion that represents Seneca’s excellence in sports. After a slow start to the season Anthony as well as the rest of the badminton team have found their stride, really making a push to position themselves for another national championship. Anthony stresses the importance of refining his skills and staying sharp with consistent training. As for the mental side of things his approach to big matches is maintaining a level head.
“I try to focus on calming my mind down and going into it as its any other day, any other game, at any other match, so that’s what kind of helps me play the best I can when I have to play.”
Currently Anthony is gearing up for his final invitational of the season at the end of this month, then its onto Nationals where he strives to reclaim that National Championship glory.
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