By: Eric Dankwah
From a neighbourhood where the public and the world looks down upon, Eva Amo-Mensah rose and made it to limits she never could’ve imagined. Jane & Finch is known as the most dangerous neighborhood in Canada, the media portrays it as a warzone. For Amo-Mensah, that wasn’t her experience. Her experience was the total opposite, she attended summer camps, after-school programs, and youth programs. Anything that could stimulate her mind and keep her out of trouble, she was in.
“You don’t really realize the situation you’re in or the lifestyle that you’re living. You’re just, like making the best out of everything. But I feel like as you get older, you realize, oh, that there’s a lot, you know what I mean? That we have to navigate through life because of where we live, where we come from, and we kind of have to work harder to become whatever it is we want to be”
Growing up Eva fell in love with track & field, she was naturally fast, and her family was known to be good at sports. Eva first started to run track in elementary school, which was St. Augustine of Canterbury. Every track & field meet Amo-Mensah would come in the first place, there was never a time when she would come in 2nd. Amo-Mensah’s family believed in her so much that they decided to put her on a track team outside of school. Amo-Mensah’s talent was so strong that she began to get trained by Olympic track star, Ben Johnson.
“Getting a chance to actually have that be my coach and train me. And him being like a mentor to me was like an amazing experience because, of course, he had that knowledge. He told us the ins and outs and what to do. I love that he mentored us and coached us to think beyond our regular atmosphere. He taught us that we can use our talent to take us further places in life, which is an amazing thing”.
After high school, Amo-Mensah got a scholarship to Division II Barton College in North Carolina. While attending school Amo-Mensah was taking a social worker degree. Her desire was to work with kids since she somewhat came from that background. Amo-Mensah graduated and her job search began. Coming back to her mother’s house, she didn’t know what life was going to give her. Little did she know, she had something special inside of her that she didn’t know of, which was fitness training.
“Coming from Jane & Finch and going to not only another city but a whole new country, just learning how they move over there was an amazing experience. I feel like it taught me a lot in life. It helped me mature. And then on top of it, of course, I was on a scholarship and stuff like that. So, I had to really work hard and perform and use everything that I’ve learned here from my coach, from just even life skills to use that over there and basically do the best that I can to be the best I can”.
AMO-MENSAH first began her fitness journey at Goodlife gym but little did she know that social media was going to be her greatest asset. As she began to gain clients, Amo-Mensah’s social media presence grew. Coming from a sports background, Amo-Mensah was very educated on working out. Amo-Mensah would post videos of herself working out on Instagram, showing people how to do the proper forms to exercise.
Now at 30k followers, Amo-Mensah is now a certified personal trainer. She now works at an all-women’s gym called ‘Club Enhergy’. A gym that allows women to be empowered by each other, a gym that women can feel safe at. A gym that is known as the top women’s gym in all of Canada. Women all over the country are coming to this gym, Amo-Mensah is breaking barriers by working with many different races.
“Oh, my gosh. Amazing Enhergy is like an amazing place. Like, literally it’s all women. We’re all minorities. We’re all working hard to motivate, and inspire other women to be the best that they can be. I love the place so much because it’s like a safe space for women. A lot of times you go to these gyms and it’s like, no offense to men or anything, but it’s just like they don’t feel safe or they don’t feel confident”.
While working at this gym, Amo-Mensah has been featured on SportsNet, The Shadroom and has gone viral many times by doing crazy workouts on Instagram. Only telling where fitness will take Amo-Mensah, but this is just the beginning for her.
“I think it’s going to take me far places, just in terms of even my personal goals, what I want to do, and stuff like that. I think it’s going to take me very far. I just have to keep working and keep motivating not only other people but keep motivating myself and inspiring myself to take myself to another level each time. Because every single time you hit, like, a Plateau, there’s always another level. You can go from there, and it’s just always knowing how to maneuver past that little Plateau and keep going from there because the sky is the limit, literally”.
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