As countries and cities enter shutdowns it is clear that this pandemic is affecting everyone. But how exactly are members of the community dealing with this? And what is being done to alleviate the drawbacks the public is facing from this pandemic? Here are some stories of those affected, and those who are still trying to help.
Protecting children from COVID-19
Many parents are wondering what this outbreak means for their children. So far, it seems the virus poses a low risk for children but what do they need to know and how can parents protect them? Donna Koller, professor of early childhood studies has tips for parents during these unprecedented circumstances.
The courts amid COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus is forcing countries worldwide to slowly shut down public service sectors in Canada. The Canadian justice courts were no exception in Ontario, announcing their immediate closure in mid March.
How has this affected individuals so far? And what could this mean for the pre-existing backlog and slow process of the Canadian judicial system? Read more to learn what law clerk Sylvie White had to say.
“I could be as good as dead.”
Those with underlying health conditions are feeling especially vulnerable while the COVID-19 pandemic persists. Many are being left with questions and concerns for their health and safety at this time.
So what have those individuals been doing to make themselves feel safe during the spread of this virus? Suffering from a severe autoimmune disease, read more on what Jessica Mon had to say.
Ontario Mental Health care workers are rallying up together
Communities are coming together during unprecedented times.
Registered Psychotherapist, Linda Bond, and many other mental healthcare workers in Ontario are hoping to volunteer their services to frontline medical workers.
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