By : Gerry Sofos
Costa Smyrniotis had a dream of being a professional soccer player but is now the director for the Hamilton Forge soccer club of the Canadian Premier League. His brother Bobby is the coach of Hamilton Forge and he and Costa worked very hard to get Forge to reach the accomplishments they got and make the team play how they want to play the game. Costa said “I wouldn’t say obstacles but at the end of the day I think the biggest challenge was you are coming into an organization to continue the work that was done before because it was a brand new club”. “At the same time having to build the club from scratch it was having to build the league as well since it was fairly new.” Who have won the Canadian Premier League who have won 3 league titles including back to back titles in 2019 and 2020. Costa really gave some good insight about what he went through to get to be in the position that he is in. With this position you can really see he is trying to improve the viewings of soccer in Canada and even the world in watching Canadian Soccer. Costa did say that the League started from scratch and he had to get this club up and challenging for the League. The fact that he had this team winning three league titles already with the league having just started not to long ago is an incredible achievement. Costa really helped this team start from the bottom and get to the top real fast.
Costa’s dream in the beginning was to become a professional soccer player he worked very hard to try to aspire to his dream. Costa did say this when asked about more about the youth game he had this to say, “I think the key peace is now that we have a domestic league, By having a domestic league your putting a lot more energy and excitement into the youth game because now their is something to aspire to in Canada and given the opportunity once your there to be able to kind of do well within the league”. “Also with more players playing in our system in a domestic league, more coaches, management, and were increasing the industry then the ultimate benefactor will be the national team”. Kids that dream of becoming professional soccer players one day Costa has just provided them with some information that can give them a lot of hope. Costa showed that keeping himself engraved in the sport can get you a lot of places. So seeing that Costa always wanted to become a professional soccer player but became the director of Hamilton Forge Soccer team is big. Costa loved the sport and just always wanted to be a part of it. With being the Hamilton Forge director this really was big step in him having an opportunity to do that. Costa played many years of soccer and loved the game. Costa is now paving the way for young talent to come through by helping to see the youth talent in the Canadian Premier League so that more and more young talent can come through and be a professional soccer player and even play for the Canadian Men’s National team. Costa is really helping to make a stamp on Canada getting more players put out on the map to get noticed because European teams could now look at the Canadian Premier League as another option to get players from. Costa really set his heart out on the sport and even though he did not become a professional himself, He is now helping other kids to fulfill their dreams as well.
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