Let me tell you a few secrets that could save your day. With these additional items, become a ready for anything kind of girl. Keep these in your purse and you and your friends will thank you. For any guys reading this, your girl would be impressed if you helped equip her purse.
Beside from the essentials your wallet and keys, lets get started!
By: Michelle Hickey
Live streaming and too many Instagram stories? mini portable charger ($16.99 at Amazon), headphones ($16.99 at Amazon
Beautiful new shoes that haven’t been broken in? band-aids
Taming the mane? mini hairbrush, bobby pins, hair elastic
Makeup on Fleek? lip balm ($3.97 at Amazon) concealer, Urban Decay setting spray mini ($19.00 at Sephora)
Mother Nature? feminine products
Clothing Mishaps? lint roller, Tide To Go ($3.97 at Amazon), scissors,
Sick Day? Advil, tissue
Minty Fresh? gum/Tic Tacs, mini deodorant, your fav mini perfume, hand sanitizer,
An Expected Overnight Stay? mini toothbrush & toothpaste
SOS? nail file, mini flashlight ($5.99 at Amazon)
My own personal purse hack would be a pen and small notepad. As an inspiring journalist and a person who comes up with ideas on the fly, there is something magically about when a pen hits paper.
You can find the rest of the products at your local drugstore. Be sure that your supplies are well organized in different purse compartments. These are simple things that can make a huge difference in a hectic day. Don’t ever underestimate a girl’s purse, it can be a life saver!
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